As a national music mugham is famous in Azerbaijan. But if say true there are differences among the people who listens this type of music. In a concrete way we could say most of youth like to listen pop, rock and etc. music which exists in the world. But it doesn’t mean that there is no one who listens among the youth. For certify this thought I ask an interview from the students who studies at the school named after famous Azerbaijani singer Bulbul.
My first respondent was Shahin who is a singer for more than 7 years. He likes national Azerbaijani music – mugham because it is fundamental part of the Azerbaijani tradition. Continuing his speech Shahin noted that mugham contains the root of many foreign music. In order to proof his idea Shahin he remarked that the famous Austrian composer Iohan Sebastian Bach used in his fuga which calls “Re minor Takkata” the one of the seven main mughams of Azerbaijan which calls “Bayati-Shiraz”. Meanwile, Shahin noted that mugham looks similar azan but Azan is used for calling muslems to pray. The same time Shahin said that he adores Austrian classical music and in order to aquaintance with Austrian and Lithuanian national music he offers to organize a culture night together with Austrian and Lithuanian musicians.
Javad Javadzadeh – he is a tar player. It is already 6 years he plays tar. For Javad mugham is a
national wealth of the Azerbaijan nation. The musical instrument which he plays Javad considers special because of its sounds. He specially noted that there are most of children who goes to musical schools are motivated by parents in Azerbaijan. Javad offers to organize mutual concert programs with Austrian and Lithuanian young musicians also. He sure that this suggestion could create and improve multilateral friendship relations among Azerbaijan – Lithuanian – Austrian youth.

Javad Javadzadeh – he is a tar player. It is already 6 years he plays tar. For Javad mugham is a

As you have read above all students from the musician school wish to make mutual and multilateral relations with Lithuanian and Austrian youth and want to share theirs culture with other nations. But they need any support to realize theirs wish and may be this project will be more profitable for them or for all youth generation of Azerbaijan in this issue.
The end

Author: Rustam Rahimli
Azerbaijan University, the faculty of International Relations
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